… or How to Beatmatch with Traktor and a CDJ So here it is, the first article for Kana 2010 and what better way to start than by helping you get your groove on with those pesky CDJ’s that people just dont want to give up! Don’t they know laptops are king these days? (Just […]
How to mix between Traktor and a CDJ or Turntable
February 15th, 2010 | by Adamg | published in Tutorials
How to Beatmatch with Ableton and a CDJ
July 6th, 2009 | by Adamg | published in Tutorials
If you’ve jumped on the bandwagon and got yourself a copy of Ableton Live, taught yourself the basics, figured out how to DJ with it and are now ready to perform in public, the only question you might be left asking is: “How do I beatmatch Live to the DJ before me?” EDIT: If you […]
The secret to swing and why you can’t produce without it!
June 9th, 2009 | by Adamg | published in Tutorials
How come my tracks don’t sound like a commercial release? Part 2 – : Swing! Swing? Isn’t that a style of music developed in America circa 1930? Well, yes it was. But the swing I’m referring to is the shuffle or groove of your track, that more ‘human’ groove that sounds realistic and ‘more pleasing’ to […]
Make your social networking easier with Twhirl & Ping.fm
June 1st, 2009 | by Adamg | published in Tutorials

Just a quick post tonight to share a neat little application I’ve been using to make my twittering, facebooking etc etc all the more simpler. Twhirl allows me to link in myspace and facebook through the Ping.FM service and posts all my tweets right onto my facebook status as well as myspace (status or microblog) […]
How do I download Multiple Links from the Web?
April 5th, 2009 | by Justinm | published in Tutorials

Say for example, your friend had created and uploaded a promotional music video with Rapidshare, that was split into parts. There were 60 parts at 90mb, this adds up 5400mb. Thats far too big to sit there with a free Rapidshare account and waiting for the adverts and time delay before downloading….yawnzzzzzzzzzzzzz. So you would […]
Secret tips to improve your mix by avoiding Ear Fatigue
March 4th, 2009 | by Adamg | published in Tutorials
How come my tracks don’t sound like a commercial release? Part 1: Ear Fatigue News flash…Your ears fatigue Very quickly at high listening levels (yes, that means your ears do indeed get ‘tired’). When your ears are fatigued, your brains ability to register & seperate frequencies is dramstically reduced. Tha means your hearing becomes ‘muddy’!! […]
How come my tracks don’t sound like a commercial release?
February 27th, 2009 | by Adamg | published in Tutorials
Introducing a short series of tutorials At the end of a long day working on your latest production in your bedroom/loungeroom (or as some like to call it “the Studio”), when you’ve finished that bumpin’ groove, tamed that thumping bassline and trimmed that sizzling snare, you might like to sit back and admire your handy […]
How to get your sounds as wide as possible in the mix
February 4th, 2009 | by Adamg | published in Tutorials
Somewhere along the way when you are composing your latest track you will start thinking about where the sounds appear on the sound stage. ¬†A key principle to achieving a really nice mix is not just having the right balance of mono and stereo sounds but having those stereo sounds just where you want them. […]
What to expect from Kana’s music theory articles
February 4th, 2009 | by Adamg | published in Tutorials
To those that are interested in music production or even those who have been developing their skills over the years, Kana will be presenting a series of articles on music production theory. ¬†Some articles will be aimed at the advanced producer and others at the beginner. ¬† Overall, some knowledge about computers and music software […]