A collection of the first three posters for the original Ok Kana sunset parties in Brisbane 2007. A photo series will follow soon of some magical moments and people at these events, thank you to all you made these occasions so special. Kana
February 3rd, 2009 | by Adamg | published in Gig Reviews, Gigs, News
This popped up on The End’s official gallery after their holy-of-mollies closing party that went for a stagering 24hours!! There were serious reports of people cueing up for more that 8 hours so I know a few happy campers that managed to skip through the guest entry in like.. 10mins! Nice! From all accounts, despite […]
August 20th, 2008 | by Elliotc | published in Gigs
It’s that time of year again – Kana season. We’re back with our first birthday. Ok Kana willl take place at an undisclosed innercity space of which the details will be made apparent within hours of it commencing at sunset via SMS to maintain the ideals of what the project is about. From start to […]