ARTIST(S): RoogUnit
LABEL: Mote-Evolver
CAT n°: MOTE049
FORMAT: 12″ // Digital download
RELEASE DATE: June 2nd, 2017
RoogUnit is the new production duo fusing together the talents of Luke Slater and Ø [Phase] a.k.a. Ashley Burchett, a pair that have already joined forces in the recent past: Ø contributed a striking remix of the Planetary Assault Systems classic “Dungeon” for the radical reassessment program “Planetary Funk: 22 Light Years,” and the two shared DJ duties during last year’s “22 Light Years” tour. The apt title of the debut EP for Mote Evolver, “Mesh,” suggests a locked grid or set of axes on top of which all sorts of creative possibilities can be sketched out, and it provides a perfect descriptive metaphor for the interaction between these two skillful heads: like carefully interwoven strands, neither half of the duo dominates the proceedings and each individual’s contribution strengthens the effect of the other’s.
A1 / 1. Mesh
A2 / 2. Bugeye
B1 / 3. The Chains
Mote-Evolver Soundcloud
Mote-Evolver Official