LABEL: Klockworks
CAT n°: KW13
FORMAT: Vinyl & Digital
RELEASE DATE: 16th July 2014
DVS1 has found an extra gear in 2014, already releasing two cuts on his own Hush imprint and now sets to drop his third outing on Klockworks, following on from two killer cuts previously released in both 2009 and 2011.
If you’re a fan of Zac’s work, then expect the type of alluring minimalism he’s consistently delivered in the past, and believe me, thats not a bad thing. This record proficiently shows off Zac’s depth, probably more so than any other release to date, ranging from the dub techno-inspired piano chords on ‘Black Russian’; a blissful outing and a favourite closing track for both DVS1 and Ben Klock, to the haunting atmospheres and dark tonalities of ‘Creepin’, all the way through to the deep pulse of ‘Spying’ that embodies the character of Zac’s work.
There aren’t too many producers out there that can deliver at the highest level when it comes to both weaving a story for the dance floor and one pressed on wax, but DVS1 has certainly proved his worth in both disciplines and this release just cements that statement even further.
Keep your eyes open across all good record stores and Hardwax around mid july!
George Alatakis