There aren’t many artists that operate within the higher echelon of today’s underground vista that can lay claim to having left an asserting influence upon numerous genres throughout their careers, whether that piece of inspiration was originally set within their periphery or otherwise is irrelevant in this case, it is however fact.
Cosmin TRG has without question selflessly presented his sincerity and instigated a colourful aural and visual combination imposed across various mediums within a landscape that lacks originality and diversity at times, and that’ll be his defining difference when we all look back in time.
This time round for his Australian tour it’ll only be one weekend hosted by the ‘HoleAndCorner’ events, and he’ll be featuring alongside a hand picked selection of artists showing in both cities, Sydney and Melbourne. The first weekend of June is what you’ll need to get ready for, and if his last tour was anything to go by, be sure that Cosmin will be showcasing a sound and signature that is both forward thinking and unique.
Kn: Hi Cosmin, nice to chat with you again. Last June you contributed to our mix series in preparation for your Australian debut offering and here we are again. Lets talk about that tour. Looking back what elements stood out or took you by surprise during your time in Australia last year?
Cosmin TRG: I had an amazing time in Australia and it more than made up for that long haul flight… Doing 3 gigs back to back meant that I didn’t really get to spend more time outside airplanes, clubs and hotel rooms but it the whole surreal vibe of it was what I had expected and a bit more. Halfway through my first set in Melbourne, I had this weird, very brief moment when I didn’t really know where I was, part of it was jet lag and part of it due to how familiar it felt, it was a very energetic and welcoming crowd. All 3 gigs were very good and I met some very special people there.
Kn: In an interview several years back you mentioned that ‘imaginary references’ influenced your productions as opposed to say geographical surroundings. Since then you’ve released both LP’s Gordian and Simulat. Has that creative discourse altered?
Cosmin TRG: Well, not significally, but I guess the point I was trying to make was that it’s very cliché in this day and age to think that residing in a certain place can influence your entire sonic spectrum. Obviously, being immersed in a scene can nuance one’s tone, but it’s a very simplistic vision of a creative process. It just doesn’t happen like that, influences are something very complex and hard to pin to down. In my car, when I want to feel the fiber of the city, I get lost in its history, the texture of its streets, try to see what makes its inhabitants tick – the fact that minor chords or 808 kicks are hype in its clubs is interesting, but irrelevant to the way I work on music, I’m trying to get to the bigger picture.
Kn: Do architecture, film and the concept of eventuality still play an important role in inspiring new material or has that all shifted as you accumulate new experiences and interests in life? (feel free to elaborate on how these influence your approach)
Cosmin TRG: They definitely do play an important role, because they come from the same attempt to express and explain. They provide a system of clues to our experience, and music is trying to do the same thing. More recently I found myself trying to say more with less, stripping tracks down, moving more towards the point, the essential. The forthcoming release on my label ‘Fizic’, Repetitiv b/w Vernacular, is trying to address that, for example. It is basically inspired by a concrete structure (pictured on the cover), placed in the middle of a field, its function extremely obscure at first, only to be revealed in relation to its proximity to other units. I’ve always been fascinated by this kind of human intervention in natural space, the purpose of which is not immediately clear. I do however try not to get too bookish about these things, it’s still some bosh-bosh music one can dance to!

Kn: And really, those mediums offer so much towards the inspiration of what everyone does. That’s the time we take away from life sometimes to absorb the most amazing things we aren’t directly involved with. What do you really spend time on outside of music that inspires you?
Cosmin TRG: I am trying to take decent photos and getting some short film projects off the ground – this is something I’m very keen on at the moment.
Kn: As an artist your first forays into production resulted in house records, then with quite some success, a collection of events allowed you to make a mark in the dubstep world which led to the transition into two solid techno albums on 50 Weapons. If patterns and history are anything to go, what can we expect from you next? Or is this discovery still to be made?
Cosmin TRG: I’m only ever into something if I can still retain the level of enthusiasm I had when I originally became interested in it, so I’m not writing anything off. At the moment, and for quite some time now, Techno has been the paradigm that’s worked for me and I think there’s enough territory to keep me interested and curious.
Kn: How’s your personal vista looking Cosmin? In terms of upcoming releases, future projects and film aspirations that
still reside in your soul?
Cosmin TRG: I’m very excited about bringing my label project to fruition, it is a very personal endeavour and I’m happy it is finally happening. I’m taking the pictures for the covers so that’s also a challenge. Each release will hopefully have an accompanying video/short film to bring a little more of my vision to the table. I just love producing things, either tangible or in the digital realm, and respect the journey from idea to object.
Kn: Your Australian tour commences on Saturday June 7th and continues onto Sydney on Sunday June 8th as part of the Hole And Corner Events. Can you tell us a bit about what you’re bringing out for the tour and the direction you plan on pursuing leading into the European summer?
Cosmin TRG: I had a great time playing for my Australian friends and I’m hopefully bringing some fun and/or interesting music to dance and get lost to.
George Alatakis Monday 26th May 2014
Cosmin TRG appears at the following dates for the HOLEANDCORNER tour
Saturday 7th June: Melbourne (Shed 14, Docklands)
Sunday 8th June: Sydney (Home Nightclub)