Kn Radiodifusion // Rundfunk

Kana Broadcast 030 Jonas Kopp

March 8th, 2012  |  Published in Kana Broadcast  |  4 Comments

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Not every artist so easily conquers the various battles that arise throughout their career and emerge with a fresh wave of constructive energy and purpose.  We’ve got no doubts Jonas Kopp falls into that category and the past two years have been somewhat of a renaissance in an ever evolving disposition.  Releases across Ostgut Ton, Stroboscopic Artefacts, Perc Trax and Ilian Tape have all been the direct result of 9 years of perseverance and with his first LP in the pipeline, chaos perfidiously seems to materialise briefly in the periphery.

Closer to home, his own label Traut will be the medium for what’s going to be a heavily consistent release schedule comprised of Shifted, Perc, Brendon Moeller as well as supporting the growing pool of talent from his base in Buenos Aires.  That in itself should displace ones attention, though if we were to assume impetus, this weeks broadcast should do a portion of it justice.

Kn:  Almost this time last year you were winding up to be in the thick of an extensive European tour after years of hard work.  What effect has the last year had on you and where are you now musically in contrast to the year that proceeded it?

JK:  The last year was a little bit special because I was coming producing with a huge inspiration in 2010, I had a lot of solid releases and the result was a big tour around Europe in March 2011.  Then I had a couple of emotional episodes in my personal life which made me feel without inspiration at all, I just made 1 EP as Manzel and some remixes.  In September 2011 I started to work hard again till today.  I’m really focused at the moment setting up my first LP, making a lot of music and setting up my next European tour in May which looks really interesting at the moment, so I can tell you that I’m happy right now.
Jonas Kopp 2 Live_590Kn:  Your recent radio residency at Delta Club FM is surely something to be proud of given the fact your broadcasts are regarded as being nothing short of outstanding.  Is it giving you the chance to showcase other facets of your own take on electronica that normally wouldn’t be heard on the dance floor?

JK:  For sure, I’m really thankful to have the opportunity to show different facets of mine in this way.  I’m a music lover so I like to have all that good music in my bag and play different concepts at different opportunities, moments or places.

Kn:  Whilst we’re on the the topic of freedom, there are a lot of producers/DJs out there, more so than ever, that are perhaps at a point in their career where they feel as though they need to market their sound to follow trends. Thoughts?

JK:  There are a lot of producers right, also there are a lot of them who aren’t looking around or following trends and their sounds are fresh and different.  There are a few in the mass of global producers who are looking to or following trends, most of them thinking about the money or in it to be famous quickly, basically.

Jonas Kopp 3_590Kn:  It’s been some years since you founded Traut music which hosted some great releases.  What’s the status of that project at the moment, or are there other avenues you’re throwing around that you’d like to pursue?

JK:  Traut Muzik is more strong than never, a lot of solid releases are coming up… I can tell you some names for example, we are to release a Tom Dicicco’s EP featuring Shifted remix, Bleak’s EP featuring Skudge remix, and some other names coming up like Markus Suckut, Truncate, Perc, Brendon Moeller, Ilario Alicante, Furesshu and some Argentinean new comers like Oswld and Espen Lauritzen.

Kn:  Tours, time in the studio, life – where are you headed from here?

JK:  I almost spend all the time of my life in the studio, then I like to stay with my little daughter Chloe… as well as touring around Europe twice a year for 2 months on each tour.

Links:  Facebook  /  Pullproxy  /  Beatport 

