Kn Radiodifusion // Rundfunk

Kana Broadcast 029 Miss Sunshine

February 23rd, 2012  |  Published in Kana Broadcast  |  1 Comment

Miss Sunshine smoke shoot (small) 2_main_590

Osijek, Croatia is our domicile this week and the borders of Hungary and Serbia traverse it.  Sunčica Barišić, (aka: Miss Sunshine) has constructed a thorough and consistent directive throughout the past decade.  If we were to place that period in an appropriate context, it would be riddled with heavily medicated rhythms colluding with the realisation of appreciating the harmonious ally in a balanced life.  It’s more so a spectacle if anything when an individual is able to implement it into their daily routine whilst effectively defending the foundations of their character.

Her releases and performances have reflected the illustration we’ve canvased thus far and it most certainly is evident in the work that’s just been released in the form of the L’Amour EP, as well as a dense touring schedule across Europe and South America.  What we consider just as admirable though, is she’s certainly one of the more truly genuine contributors to the scene and if you’ve taken the time to spend time with her it would become apparent immediately.

This broadcast operates as an annex to a career that’s cementing itself as one destined for further successes.  The next hour will corroborate that claim.

Track List:

01. Six Fingers – AY Area [Labrynth]
02. Miss Sunshine – Broken Desert [Tic Tac Toe]
03. Khz – Thurst [FullPanda]
04. Miss Sunshine – Revenge [Tic Tac Toe]
05. Volster – MVO [promo]
06. O.L. – Knochenbrecher [Delirium]
07. Miss Sunshine – L’amour [Monocline]
08. Six Fingers – Conflict Place [Labrynth]
09. Antoine Caesar &Timur Valiev – Whisper of Mars (Etapp Kyle Remix) [Indeks]
10. Conforce – Revolt DX [Delsin]
11. Rebekah – A Lighter Shade Of Pale [Stolen Moments]
12. Mike Wall – Cosmin Kick [Hidden rec.]
13. Reagen – Siphon Had The Swine Flu (Attemporal Remix) [FVF]
14. Miro Pajic – Dark Butterfly (Suck My Juicy Pecker Remix) [Tic Tac Toe]
15. Attemporal – Att2 (Ness rmx) [Att series]
16. Jeroen Search – Config 1.0 [Mottoguzzi]
17. Nihad Tule & Bauri – Nudge [Drumcode LTD]
18. H&S vs EDA- Run it (Miss Sunshine low-pressure mix) [EarlyDub rec.]

Kn:  Your home town of Osijek, Croatia, shares equal boarders with Hungary and Serbia.  How do you think the cultural propinquity of these countries influenced your creative pursuits growing up?

MS:  In the beginning probably a lot cos the only source of information was from our neighbours, especially from Serbia cos we have such a big history together.  Maybe this kind of tightness, in the beginning, was a problem for artists from the East Europe.  We were developing very slowly and everything was coming to us delayed, and I always felt like I was a few steps behind everything.  But with the growth of the internet everything changed and I was now closer to the spotlight of electronic music.  Information and music came to us much quicker and I could refine my sound under all these numerous influences.
Miss_sunshine_work_gig_590Kn:  Previously you have mentioned that music is your life.  Can you recall the deciding moment that gave birth to the vision now fully embraced as your career in music?

MS:  Music production is the most beautiful thing that has happened to me as a musician.  As we spoke in the last question, this is something what came to me late too, after almost 9 years of Djing! I am very excited about every second spent in my small home studio and in creating something that others will love to play too – a beautiful feeling!  This is something that gave my journey as a musician another shape and dimension.  My first steps into production with Volster as “Sunshine & Moree” project and later my first solo EP “Hush” on Monocline records was something that changed my life.  From that point on I could express my self in the way that I felt was missing before when I was only a dj.

Kn:  You’ve recently joined forces with the Tikapama agency, a sure sign that things are heating up in camp Sunshine.  How has life changed for you over the past couple of years as your career continues to build momentum?

MS:  Oh yes… life has changed a lot, especially the last 3 years was a big roller coaster for me.  I am now living the life of a musician, every free moment I spend in the studio and on the weekends I am touring.  I am glad that you notice Tikapama agency, a very fresh and young agency (with very nice artists) which I hope will help me with organization and bookings, leaving me more time to be creative.


Kn:  Life has a way of keeping us on our toes.  Despite our best intentions, everything can change in the blink of an eye.  Even a thoroughly planned tour can go awry at a moments notice.  How do you keep your cool when things begin to fall apart?  Any particular mantra’s or habits that keep you sane and focused in this hectic world we live?

MS:  I can say that I am a pretty calm person in the case of emergencies.  I had many moments in my 14 year DJ career which came out differently then I planned.  From missed flights to stolen bags of vinyl, crazy promoters who didn’t think they should do something that they were obligated to etc…  My reaction on all this was pretty much the same, at first I get so nervous like I am having a small panic attack and after this 2 minutes I am perfectly aware what my next move should be, and with a perfectly clear head I am moving forward to solve the problem. In the end everything comes out good and as one of my friend says: “You need to learn to enjoy in that kind of moment too”.  Nowadays my release is making music.  All things that bother me or make me happy will come out through my music.

Kn:  On that note, can you share with us a moment in your life when a gig or tour went horribly wrong?  What did you learn from this experience that has served you since?

MS:  Ahaha yes, I learned the most from that kind of situation.  The main thing I learned is that you need to believe in your feelings.  The worst thing that ever happened to me was definitely in 2010, when I had a tour with QOMT project (with Viktoria Rebeka).  First we had a gig in Colombia and after that we were supposed to continue our tour to Mexico.  When it was time to go to the airport the Mexican booker called us with some bad suggestions and when we arrived to the airport we found out that she hadn’t even booked our flight tickets!  She reserved it but in the end she didn’t pay for it.  Wow… that was a shock!  We were so lucky that our return trip was from Colombia and that we had sooo nice hosts, they offered us to stay one more week plus they found us 2 more gigs while we were there.  We had the time of our lives! This year I am playing again in Colombia (but this time as a solo act) and can’t wait to see again all the nice people who helped us so much!  As the saying goes, there is something good in every bad.

Miss Sunshine_L'amour_270Kn:  Moving forward, 2011 saw a consistent stream of quality releases with your trademark dark, swirling minimal stamp.  Any particular goals you have set for 2012 and beyond?

MS:  I am constantly working to improve my sound, exploring the possibilities of software and hardware I am using and possibilities of my self.  I am very happy cos in February my new EP “L’amour” is coming out on Monocline and in March/April I have a new EP “Revenge” on Tic Tac Toe… also many remixes are signed too. Would love to spend more time also touring around, schedule is pretty tight already, and I am really looking forward to my upcoming Colombian tour and other cool gigs around Europe.  I think this year will be full of fun and hard work, just the way I like it.

Links:  Facebook  /  Soundcloud  /  Myspace  /  Youtube  /  Tikapama
