Kn Radiodifusion // Rundfunk

Check out Triple J’s Mix Up Sat 14th (SCSI-9) and 21st March (Adam Gillett)

March 12th, 2009  |  Published in Broadcasts  |  2 Comments


As promised last week, here are the details of Adam’s guest appearance on Australian National radio, Saturday 21st March.

Triple J’s Mix Up dance show has long been heralded as the leader in upfront, underground, leftfield and downright wicked grooves from 10pm on a Saturday night right through to the early hours of Sunday morning.
This Sat (14th) you can hear Russian minimalists SCSI-9 (Kompakt), post Colours appearance (13th @Empire, Brisbane). Expect things to be minimal in every sense of the word from the days prior to its mainstream exposure. Tweaky, stripped back and blissful.

Following Adam’s closing set at the SCSI-9 appearance in Brisbane, Adam has been invited to appear on the Mix Up show just one week later. Sat 21st will see Adam’s third appearance on Triple J’s flagship weekend dance experience. Having been over 4 years since his last interview and guest spot in 2004, he has a lot of ground to cover so expect a showcase of eclectic techno, driving percussion and hypnotic beats.

