Kn Radiodifusion // Rundfunk

Top 5 blogs on music production and djing

January 28th, 2009  |  Published in News  |  16 Comments

To start off 2009 with some music related reading here is a list of what i’d say are the top 5 blogs to read about music production and dj technology. Not every blog has the most technical information to share, but sometimes thats entirely the point. Have a read and maybe you’ll get some inspiration or insight you never saw coming.
If you are new to blogs but you like the information on these sites, why not read about Blog Readers and subscribe to the sites you like most (Tip: you get an easy to use reader with your gmail or yahoo accounts…thats a start!)
Happy reading, 
by contributors actively involved in the music industry
very good tutorials for thinking creatively about sound
by Ean Golden & contributors
number one watch for the digital dj
by Ian Shepard
a regular contributor for Sound on Sound (.com)
by Beatport & contributors
tutorials are at a very basic level but there’s some good conversations with major artists which has good value. Worth following anyway.
by Peter Kim
not everything is tutorial based, but some valuable information here also
