Kn Radiodifusion // Rundfunk

Dax J Response

April 9th, 2017  |  Published in Feature

We’ll make this short. Given the global media response and online presence this incident has generated we feel compelled to provide our own support for Dax J even though he’s proven to be more than capable of communicating it with sincerity and honesty himself. We have worked with him in the past, and our assessment of his character and intentions in life is one of the highest among others. An extraction from his recent statement dated April 8, 2017 is as follows:

“I hold the upmost respect for all religions across the globe and I can now understand how my recent actions could have been perceived in the wrong way. We must all take time to truly respect and appreciate everybody’s beliefs in this world to move forward as a global society.”

I personally have also used the call to prayer sample before in a set of music, though granted in Australia. So have many others. I can’t place words in Dax’s mouth, but I’m sure he did it for the same reason I, and many others did. To broaden and appreciate a rich culture and religion with a substantial contribution to science, architecture and philosophy. The world of music is infinite and provides a vehicle to one day realise global acceptance, and even though it may seem utopian, it’s a necessary one. For many of us it has defined our lives and given meaning to a complicated world in an attempt to make it a better place – even for just a passing moment in time.

We’ll continue to support his music. His heart is in it for the right reasons. We fully acknowledge and have the utmost respect for cultural diversity of all kinds, and it’s important to respect that and be mindful of it in the company of others irrespective of where you are. That realisation of his, as it always has been, is crystalline. Life is a learning process, and one he has taken full responsibility for. That’s all you can ever ask of someone.

Much love,

Elliot, George & Adam.

